Answer: "Don't vote for me"
Question: "Something you wouldn't want to find growing on your neck"
Answer: "Another Head"
Question: "The least romantic place to propose marriage."
Answer: "Restroom"
Question: "What would the sequel to the painting 'Dogs Playing Poker' be named?"
Answer: Dogs Playing Strip Poker
Question: "The worst planet to crash land onto would be The Planet of the ___"
Answer: Apes
Question: A Great way to kill time at work.
Answer: Working
Question: “Where are all the missing socks?”
Answer: “Heaven”
Question: “What is the best way to tell if someone is dead?”
Answer: “Ask them”
Question: “The real secret to living to age 100”
Answer: “Don't die”
Question: “A gift you shouldn't get for your grandmother?”
Answer: “Coffin”
Question: "Worst name for a race horse?"
Answer: "Glue"
Question: "Name an animal Noah shouldn't have saved"
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