3. In the room full of wounded monks, there will be a breakable wall on your left as you enter.
4. In the Planetarium room, clear any enemies lurking around, then head around to the left side of the lower floor until you reach a pressure plate. Activate your decoy on it, then run around to the other side and head through the doorway. You'll see a door on the opposite left end of the room you just entered, which is being held open for you by the switch.
--Outside of Citadel--
5. Head around to the back entrance of the Citadel, where you had to fight the large knights and elite infected guys. When you reach the back door, there will be a breakable wall on your left.
6. Near the checkpoint that leads to the back entrance, head into the archway and kill the rogue hiding. Using the Southern Trench Key (received later in the game), open the door and head down the stairs. After reaching the bottom, make a u-turn down a narrow path that leads to a breakable wall. KEY TO UNLOCK CHEST NOT YET LOCATED
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