Treasure Hunter Outfit:宝藏猎人装,穿上后宝藏猎人会视你为朋友,除非你作出不友好举动。
It has been agreed this outfit, while without any active bonuses, does ensure the Treasure Hunters consider the player a friend. Any hostile/aggressive act toward them will remove this effect, however.
Scrap 1: Search Silent Stead. (In a container in a small house just northwest of the intersection at Silent Stead)
Scrap 2: Complete "California" Stranger's task. (Sam Odesa located directly north of The Scratchin Post passed rail road just shy of heavy black line west of where it dips)
Scrap 3: Make a profit playing Blackjack at Rathskeller Fork.
Scrap 4: Claim a Treasure Hunter bounty alive.
Scrap 5: Complete Gaptooth Breach Hideout.
Scrap 6: Purchase at the tailor in Thieves Landing (bought for $250).
得到条件:搜索Silent Stead处的箱子,在十字路口西北处的一个小房子里。
完成 "California" Stranger's task陌生人支线。
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