* adds the Chihiro Type 1 baseboard/mediaboard features to let the
system load the gdrom games
* adds incomplete save state support
* adds support to the Nvidia 3d accelerator to draw primitives where
the vertex data is not stored in a vertex buffer but contained in
the command stream
-IDE: Uses one timer instead of anonymous timers, so that resetting the
device will stop any outstanding work. BSY is always set when waiting
for the busy timer to fire. Implemented DASP & PDIAG functionality,
device 1 is detected during reset & if device 1 fails diagnostic then
device 0 sets bit 7 of it's diagnostic result. Ide cards now default
to 1 hard disk, otherwise device 1 without a chd will cause device 0
to report a controller error (AMIBIOS for example doesn't allow
booting from device 0 if device 1 fails). Timing of DASP & PDIAG is
set very short because of lack of wait states when accessing ATA bus.