-MC6801/6803 updates: [R. Belmont]
* Support for timer output capture to pin P21
* Support for externally-clocked serial
* Added devcb2 hook for serial xmit to easily differentiate xmit from
other Port 2 updates. Bits are still also sent to Port 2 of
-captcommb : various graphical issues fixed, marked as working
[Barry Harris]
-taito_b.c: Correct the Tetris C12 set and fill in missing Nastar roms
needed for the conversion, correcting missing sound samples. Added a
note about the missing PALs for both Tetris B-System conversions.
[Brian Troha]
-altbeastbl - hook up gfx writes properly [Barry Harris]
-taitosnd.c - Improve TC0140SYT/PC060HA NMI handling, preventing lost
interrupts [Phil Bennett]
-topspeed.c - Various updates: [Phil Bennett, Andy Welburn]
* Fixed MSM5205 hookups and implemented engine sound
* Added Z80 CTC
* Added volume controls
* Corrected 68000 clocks and VSYNC frequency
* Changed interrupt handling to match hardware