- Desperate measures
- Last stand
- Renewed acquaintance
Chapter 6 - D'vorah
- Regime change
- Hidden agendas
- The kitinn prefer solitude
- Crushed rebellion
Chapter 7 - Takeda
- Sins of the father
- Secrets revealed
- Brave or foolish
- We are many, you are one
Chapter 8 - Jax
- Back in the saddle
- Welcome home Jackson Briggs
- Victim no longer
- It's good to be back
Chapter 9 - Scorpion
- Quan chi must die
- The bonds of friendship
- Stained honor
- Your debt is paid
Chapter 10 - Raiden
- Free the shaolin
- Truth and light
- Unintended consequences
- Prodigal son
Chapter 11 - Jacqui Briggs
- Jinsei infected
- Family pride
- Trickery! Deceit!
- Earthrealm is lost!
Chapter 12 - Cassie Cage
- Mommy issues
- You wish to die first
- First father, then daughter
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《星空 Starfield》哨所建设干货小知识分享星空游戏攻略
《永劫无间》 三排思路教学攻略 转火拆火 实战演示