Vehicle stability adjustments – angular damping, moment of inertia, center of mass, tire friction and steering range tuning on the OffRoader, PickupTruck and PoliceCar.
Working on getting the vehicles to be more stable and less likely to abruptly roll or flip (this will still be possible on rocks, rough terrain, and player placed objects) but trying to make them more fun and survivable.
Fixed /respawn on PvE servers.
Fixed self-damage on PvE servers; the players may be the source of damage to themselves without mitigation.
Made players names reusable across servers. Names on each server must still be unique.
Battle Royale: Cleaned up gas after matches.
Battle Royale: gas damage reduced.
Fixed certain points of interest not getting reported when players entered.
Limited players to one character per server.
Recipe Changes
The makeshift shovel recipe now requires a metal sheet instead of a metal shard.
The storage container recipe now requires more materials.
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