网友问题:关于寂静岭5归途主题曲....One More Soul to the Call ...
还有 谁可以讲讲创作背景、词曲作者什吗的..
网友回答:在游戏中这首One More Soul To The Call是作为开头宣传背景音乐。
Wasted life...
Destiny, redefine...
Someone, chooses you...
With the light...
Tell me one...
More time...
My blood...
Your line...
Is this you, inside?
To the living...
The flame has no living heart.
In the order, of life, they know you there...
As you saw it, your plan, a real shot in the dark...
Came a little, too late...
It's over!
Calling, the children...
Conception, and dying...
Silent, but screaming!
Damage done to the flesh, what they said, in the name of the...
Damage done to the heart, is the start, of the end!
Damage done to my soul, and you know, it knows where my...
Damage done to my life, cursing loud, at the chaos!
You're here, you're gone...
It's not fair, I'm lost...
Your god, your fear...
Was it worth...
The price?
Pray. For the children!
You lost along the way.
Still remember, the names, and faces...
Cold. And abandoned.
They cry, their fate put in your hands.
When it's over, they come to haunt you...
Wasted... Confusion...
Deadly... Illusion...
Nightmare... Intrusion!
One more soul to the call, for all, in silence...
Comes two more souls to the call, for all, and in time!
Three more more souls to the call, they fall...
Unknowing that four more souls to the call, won't be all, and you know it!
Wasted life...
Destiny, redefined...
Someone, chooses you...
Lucky one, close your eyes, your family knows you're here!
Calling, the children...
Conception, and dying...
Silent, but screaming!
Damage done to the flesh, what they said, in the name of the...
Damage done to the heart, is the start, of the end!
Damage done to my soul, and you know, it knows where my...
Damage done to my life, cursing loud, at the chaos!
One more soul to the call, for all, in silence...
Comes two more souls to the call, for all, and in time!
Three more more souls to the call, they fall...
Unknowing that four more souls to the call, won't be all, and you know it!
另外还有一首歌 叫做 This Sacred Line 都是Mary Elizabeth McGlynn唱的
寂静岭歌曲的主唱 Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
本名:Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
艺名:Melissa Williamson
配偶:Daran Norris(1988年6月17日至今)
她在寂静岭系列中用的名字是Mary Elizabeth McGlynn。从3代开始与作曲人AKIRA YAMAOKA合作为游戏唱歌。只要是原声带里有歌词的歌曲都是她唱的。
寂静岭的音乐都由AKIRA YAMAOKA(山冈晃)统一制作。
Silent Hill : Origins O.R.T Lost in Here Hole In The Sky Shot Down In Flames Blow Back
Silent Hill 3: You're Not Here I Want Love Letter - From The Lost Days Lost Carol
Silent Hill 4: The Room Room of Angel Your Rain Waiting for You Tender Sugar Silent Hill : Homecoming One More Soul to the Call Old friend (Elle Theme ) Soldiers Orders (Theme of Alex) The Sacred Line
Silent Hill : Shattered Memories Hell Frozen Rain When You're Gone Acceptance Always On My Mind
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