•Masks – New player masks with unique gameplay benefits tied to the theme of each mask.
•Gun Bench – Provides players with the ability to visually customize their weapons and track their kills per weapon.
•Competitive Play – Support for competitive play through Battlefield Hardline Premium-access only tournaments and ladders.
•Legendary Status – Provides replayability of the entire progression system.
Four Expansion Packs
On top of this, Battlefield Hardline Premium members will be able to enjoy four digital expansion packs featuring all-new multiplayer maps, modes, vehicles and in-game content. Remember: you’ll get a 2-week head start* with these expansions if you go Premium. Here’s what’s coming up:
•Battlefield Hardline: Criminal Activity – Players have to make a name for themselves in fast-paced, highly-destructible new maps littered with small-time crime jobs. Available summer 2015.
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