•Battlefield Hardline: Robbery – Take down the opposition head on and progress through key locations with major cinematic action. Available summer 2015.
•Battlefield Hardline: Getaway – This is frantic, high-speed chases that immerse players deeper in the heist. Available fall 2015.
•Battlefield Hardline: Betrayal – There is a rat in every operation and players will have to find out who to trust. Available winter early 2016.
More Battlefield Hardline Premium Perks
It doesn’t stop there. More perks are lined up for you if you decide to become a Battlefield Hardline Premium member. How does this sound:
•Two weeks early access to all expansion packs
•12 Gold Battlepacks
•New personalization options including gun camos, ammo skins, and more Battlefield Hardline Premium exclusive in-game items
•Access to double-XP, in-game missions, and more Battlefield Hardline Premium exclusive events
•Priority position in server queues
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