这里和玩家们分享一个PSV文件管理OpenCMA 和 libVitaMTP等下载的分享,玩家们有需要的就拿去,以下是外网上淘过来的,内容是从该人博客上转来的,蛋疼的是机翻译,将就看看吧! http://wololo.net/2013/05/05/release-yifan-lus-opencma-and-libvitamtp/ We’ve mentioned hacker YifanLu several times on this blog, being that he is one of the handful of people believed to be in possession of a “native” vita hack (I put “native” in quotes here, as I mean per opposition to a hack in the psp emulator, but I don’t want people to assume he has a hack available in the Vita’s firmware code). Today Yifan Lu released a beta version of his new tool: a full open source alternative to Sony’s Content Manager Assistant for the Vita. The CMA is a tool divided in two parts: a server running on your ps Vita, and a client running on your computer (or your PS3, as a matter of fact). For those of you who just joined us, there are many reasons to hate Sony’s CMA, from a hacker’s perspective but more importantly from a customer’s perspective (see my article on CMA and privacy concerns ). Also, last time I checked, that tool is not available for Linux, only for Mac and Windows.[为游戏媒体贡献点力量呗]
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