《食肉动物高清版,Carnivores HD Trophy Set》具体是一款什么类型的游戏小编也并不太清楚,根据前作的情况来看的话应该也同样是一款第一人称的射击类游戏,在游戏中我们要狩猎各种恐怖巨大的食肉动物,从图中我们也可以看到拥有着恐龙等可怕动物,而在游戏中我们除了要生存下来就是达到任务的要求狩猎足够数量的猎物,喜欢这类型游戏的玩家可以试试。
Geared up Start hunt with all equipment, all licenses and with a sniper rifle |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Marathoner Travel marathon distance of 26 miles and 385 yards (42'195 m) |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Full House During the same hunt confirm 6 licensed dinosaurs of different kind |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Tyrannicide Fill Trophy Room with 17 Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaurs |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Sniper Rifle Mastery Hunt 10 dinosaurs with only one shot using sniper rifle |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Rifle mastery Hunt a dinosaur using only one shot with the rifle from at least 120 yards (110m) |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Pistol Mastery Hunt 3 Ceratosaurus dinosaurs using the pistol |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Ack-Ack Hunt a Pteranodon with the crossbow |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Heartbreaker Hunt 25 dinosaurs using only one shot |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Big Game Hunter Score more than 500 points for confirmed kill |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Private Museum Completely fill Trophy Room with dinosaurs |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
First encounter Confirm your first kill |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
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