


摘要:xone游戏攻略《光环5》在Arena模式(竞技场模式)中达到指定目标会获得对应的勋章,目前官方公布了各类型的勋章任务,在战斗努力达成吧。 竞技场模式详解:K


《光环5》在Arena 模式(竞技场模式)中达到指定目标会获得对应的勋章,目前官方公布了各类型的勋章任务,在战斗努力达成吧。




通用 (General)

First Strike Earn the first kill of the match 先攻 获得本局比赛的第一个击杀
Headshot Kill an opponent with a headshot 爆头 用爆头方式杀死敌人
Big Game Hunter Kill three enemies that are holding power weapons 杀死 3 个持有重武器的敌人
Big Gun Runner Pick up three power weapons 捡到 3 件重武器
Hard Target Recharge your shields 10x without dying 活着恢复护盾 10 次
Combat Evolved Pickup a weapon that you blasted to yourself 战斗进化 凌空拿到自己炸过来的武器
Alley-Oop Pickup a weapon that was blasted to you by another player 凌空拿到另一名玩家炸过来的武器
Double Kill Kill two opponents within 4.5s of one another 双杀 连续杀死 2 个敌人,每个间隔不超过 4.5 秒
Triple Kill Kill three opponents within 4.5s of one another 三杀 连续杀死 3 个敌人,每个间隔不超过 4.5 秒
Overkill Kill four opponents within 4.5s of one another 四杀 连续杀死 4 个敌人,每个间隔不超过 4.5 秒
Killtacular Kill five opponents within 4.5s of one another 五杀(杀红眼) 连续杀死 5 个敌人,每个间隔不超过 4.5 秒
Killtrocity Kill six opponents within 4.5s of one another 六杀 连续杀死 6 个敌人,每个间隔不超过 4.5 秒
Killamanjaro Kill seven opponents within 4.5s of one another 七杀(杀无赦) 连续杀死 7 个敌人,每个间隔不超过 4.5 秒
Killtastrophe Kill eight opponents within 4.5s of one another 八杀 连续杀死 8 个敌人,每个间隔不超过 4.5 秒
Killpocalypse Kill nine opponents within 4.5s of one another 九杀 连续杀死 9 个敌人,每个间隔不超过 4.5 秒
Killionaire Kill 10 opponents within 4.5s of one another 十杀 连续杀死 10 个敌人,每个间隔不超过 4.5 秒
Extermination Wipe out an enemy team (requires overkill) 团队灭绝 以四连杀杀死敌人团队,且对方尚未有人重生
Killing Spree Kill five players without dying 杀人飨宴 活着杀死 5 个敌人
Killing Frenzy Kill 10 players without dying 杀杀杀! 活着杀死 10 个敌人
Running Riot Kill 15 players without dying 杀人狂魔 活着杀死 15 个敌人
Rampage Kill 20 players without dying 横冲直撞 活着杀死 20 个敌人
Untouchable Kill 25 players without dying 生人勿进 活着杀死 25 个敌人
Invincible Kill 30 players without dying 天下无敌 活着杀死 30 个敌人
Inconceivable Kill 35 players without dying 战功非凡 活着杀死 35 个敌人
Unfriggenbelieveable Kill 40 players without dying 不可思议 活着杀死 40 个敌人
Wingman Get a spree of any five assist types 副手 活着获得 5 次助攻
Pound Town Assist Assist in a kill by dealing ground pound damage that is killed by another player's ground pound. 捶地助攻 捶地助攻后,由另一名玩家捶地杀死敌人
EMP Assist Assist in a kill by erasing an enemy player's shields with a Charged Plasma Pistol shot. 电磁助攻 以电浆手枪蓄能破盾助攻后,由另一名玩家杀死敌人
Team Takedown Assist Get a kill with the help of three teammates (?) 团队助攻 团队 3 人助攻第四人杀死敌人
Team Takedown Get a kill with the help of three teammates 团队击杀 团队 3 人助攻你杀死敌人
Protector Save a teammate by killing his attacker 保护者 队友濒临被杀时,杀死正在攻击他的敌人
Guardian Angel Save a teammate's life from long range 守护天使 队友濒临被杀时,远程杀死正在攻击他的敌人
Bodyguard Get a spree of three Protector Medals 保镖 活着获得 3 个保护者勋章
Wheelman Drive a vehicle where your passenger gets a kill 舵手 驾驶的载具上的枪手杀死了敌人
Distraction Distract an enemy player that is then killed 分心 吸引敌人注意力,他被另一名玩家杀死
Assassination Kill an opponent via assassination 刺杀 以刺杀方式杀死敌人
Airsassination Kill an opponent via midair assassination 空中刺杀 在空中以刺杀方式杀死敌人
Retribution Assassinate the opponent who killed you last 报应 刺杀上次刺杀你的敌人
Melee Kill Kill an opponent with Melee 近战 用近战方式杀死敌人
Beat Down Kill an opponent with a Beat Down 偷袭 用背后近战方式杀死敌人
Brawler Melee an opponent who is shooting you 用近战攻击正在向你射击的敌人
Ground Pound Kill an opponent with a Ground Pound 捶地 用捶地方式杀死敌人
Shoulder Bash Kill an opponent with a Shoulder Bash 冲撞 用冲撞方式杀死敌人
Gunpunch Two BR shots and a melee 用战斗步枪两枪打伤后,再接一次近战杀死敌人
Snipunch One sniper shot and a melee 用狙击步枪一枪打伤后,再接一次近战杀死敌人
Fastball Kill an enemy with the impact of a grenade 用手雷砸死敌人
Cluster Luck Get two kills with one grenade 用一枚手雷杀死两个敌人
Stuck Stick an opponent with a Plasma Grenade 粘住 用电浆手雷粘住敌人
Hail Mary Kill an opponent with a long grenade throw 远程用手雷杀死敌人
Longshot Get a kill from long range with a precision weapon 远程击杀 远程用精准武器杀死敌人
Spray and Pray Kill an enemy from long range with an automatic weapon 远程用自动武器杀死敌人
Rocket Mary Kill an enemy with a long range Rocket 火箭玛丽 远程用火箭杀死敌人
Bulltrue Kill a player who is lunging with the sword 斗士 杀死正在持光剑冲刺的敌人
Cliffhanger Kill an enemy while they are clambering 杀死正在攀爬的敌人
Starkiller Kill a player that is ground pounding 弑星者 杀死正在捶地的敌人
Showstopper Stop an assassination by killing opponent 表演破坏王 杀死正在刺杀的敌人
Sayonara Earn credit for a kill where an enemy falls to their death 再见 攻击对手后敌人失足而死
Busted Kill an enemy trying to hijack or skyjack a vehicle 杀死正在劫持载具的敌人
Perfect Kill Kill an opponent with the Battle Rifle in four shots without missing 完美击杀 - 战斗步枪 用战斗步枪完美(不打飞一枪)杀死敌人
Perfect Kill Unique perfect medal for Magnum 完美击杀 - 手枪 用手枪完美杀死敌人
Perfect Kill Unique perfect medal for the DMR 完美击杀 - 神射手步枪 用神射手步枪完美杀死敌人
Perfect Kill Unique perfect medal for the Carbine 完美击杀 - 卡宾枪 用卡宾枪完美杀死敌人
Perfect Kill Unique perfect medal for Light Rifle 完美击杀 - 光线步枪 用光线步枪完美杀死敌人
BXR Melee an opponent and kill them with one shot from a BR 用近战打伤后,再用战斗步枪一枪杀死敌人
Nadeshot Kill an enemy with a single headshot after damaging them with a grenade 用手雷炸伤后,再接一发爆头杀死敌人
Noob Combo Fully charged plasma pistol followed by a single headshot to kill 菜鸟连招 用电浆手枪蓄能破盾后,再接一发爆头杀死敌人
Quickdraw Kill an enemy with a single headshot with the pistol after damaging them with your primary weapon. 快速瞄准 用主武器打伤后,再接手枪一发爆头杀死敌人
Sniper Headshot Kill an enemy with a sniper headshot. 狙击爆头 用狙击步枪爆头杀死敌人
Snapshot Kill an enemy with an unscoped sniper shot 快照 用狙击步枪不开镜杀死敌人
Airborne Snapshot Kill an enemy with a snapshot while airborne 空中快照 用狙击步枪在空中不开镜杀死敌人
Buckle Up Kill the driver of a moving enemy vehicle by using a Sniper Rifle 用狙击步枪杀死移动中的敌人载具驾驶者
Snipeltaneous Kill two or more enemies with one sniper shot 用狙击步枪一枪杀死 2 个敌人
Hat Trick Get three sniper headshot kills without dying 帽子戏法 用狙击步枪活着 3 次爆头杀死敌人
Close Call Kill with low health and then survive 绝地反攻 濒临被杀死时,杀死敌人并活下来
Reversal Win a 1v1 encounter after starting behind 反转 先被敌人攻击失去 75% 护盾和护甲后,用常规武器杀死对手
From the Grave Kill an opponent after you die 死亡使者 你被杀后,在重生前杀死敌人
Deadshot Get a kill with the last bullet in your clip 最后一发 用弹匣中的最后一发子弹杀死敌人
Triple Double Get double digit Kills, Assist, and Headshots in a game 三双 一场比赛中杀敌、助攻、爆头均达到 10 次
Hijack Board a land-based vehicle by forcibly removing the enemy in it 劫持 登上敌人陆地载具并将驾驶者踢飞
Skyjack Board an air-based vehicle by forcibly removing the enemy in it 空中劫持 登上敌人飞行载具并将驾驶者踢飞
Splatter Kill an enemy by running them over with a vehicle 碾毙 用载具碾毙敌人
Road Trip Splatter an enemy with a full Warthog 长途旅行 驾驶满员的疣猪碾毙敌人
Flyin' High Achieve a massive Mongoose or Warthog jump with a passenger 驾驶有一名乘员的疣猪或猫鼬在空中跃起远距离








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