Lord of Xillia The mark of complete Xillia mastery. Thanks for playing! |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Enemy Sage Achieve a target number of entries in the Enemy Book. Awarded to Xillia's truest enemy enthusiasts. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Item Fanatic Achieve a target number of entries in the Item Book. Awarded to Xillia's most avid item collectors. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Sub-event Superhero Complete a target number of sub-events. Awarded to Xillia's most curious questers. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Obsessive Skit Viewer Unlock and view a target number of skits. Awarded to Xillia's most dedicated couch potatoes. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Treasure Treasurer Find and open a target number of treasure chests. Awarded to Xillia's finest treasure hunters. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Loot Lord Find and gather a target number of random treasures. Awarded to Xillia's most precocious packrats. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Pirate King Discover a target number of Aifread's treasures. Awarded to Xillia's most adventurous outlaws. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Jet Black Buzzard Trade in a target number of Jet Black Feathers. Awarded to Xillia's finest feather collectors. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Item Shop Magnate Upgrade the item shop to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued item shop customers. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Weapon Shop Magnate Upgrade the weapon shop to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued weapon shop customers. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Armor Shop Magnate Upgrade the armor shop to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued armor shop customers. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Accessory Shop Magnate Upgrade the accessory shop to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued accessory shop customers. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Food Vendor Magnate Upgrade the food vendor to its maximum level. Awarded to the most valued food vendor customers. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Monster Exterminator Achieve a target number of enemy encounters. Awarded to those who live for combat. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Specialist in Rare Monsters Defeat a target number of rare monsters. Awarded to those with a knack for monster hunting. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Combo Artiste Perform a combo that exceeds a target number of hits. Awarded to those whose combo skills pay the bills. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Sadist Exploit an enemy's weakness a target number of times. Awarded to those who know how to hit where it hurts. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Leader of Links Perform a target number of linked artes. Awarded to those who understand the value of teamwork. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Forger of Chains Perform a target number of linked arte chains. Awarded to those who strive for battle perfection. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Skilled Delegator Utilize Auto-Items a target number of times. Awarded to team leaders who know how to delegate. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Sous Chef Trigger a target number of food effects. Awarded to those with an affinity for fine cuisine. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Snap Pivot Adept Perform Jude's Snap Pivot a set number of times. Awarded to those who've mastered Jude in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Spirit Shift Adept Perform Milla's Spirit Shift a set number of times. Awarded to those who've mastered Milla in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Charge Adept Perform Alvin's Charge a set number of times. Awarded to those who've mastered Alvin in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Teepo Switching Adept Perform Elize's Teepo Switching a set number of times. Awarded to those who've mastered Elize in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Arte Tuning Adept Perform Rowen's Arte Tuning a set number of times. Awarded to those who've mastered Rowen in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Elongating Staff Adept Perform Leia's Elongating Staff a set number of times. Awarded to those who've mastered Leia in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Yeoman Healer Witness Jude's Restore skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Jude. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Skilled Binder Witness Milla's Bind skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Milla. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Deft Breaker Witness Alvin's Breaker skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Alvin. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Soul Drainer Witness Elize's Teepo Drain skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Elize. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Spirit Guardian Witness Rowen's Auto Magic Guard skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Rowen. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Career Thief Witness Leia's Item Steal skill a set number of times. Awarded to those who partner well with Leia. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Black Belt Learn a target number of Jude's artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Jude in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Lord of Spirits Learn a target number of Milla's artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Milla in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Mercenary Legend Learn a target number of Alvin's artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Alvin in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Graduate Channeler Learn a target number of Elize's artes and skills. Awarded to those who have mastered Elize in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Genius Tactician Learn a target number of Rowen's artes and skills. & [为游戏媒体贡献点力量呗] 赞赏还没有赞赏,快来当第一个赞赏的人吧! 为你推荐游戏视频MORE+00:03:05
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