We apologize for the recent confusion regarding the coin cap in Magic Duels. To make sure everyone has a clear understanding moving forward, here are the official details:
There is a daily cap to the number of coins that an individual can earn through Battle Mode wins, and that cap is 200 coins.
Players earn coins for each Solo Battle or Ranked Versus Battle (multiplayer) win in Battle Mode. Additionally, players earn a 20 coin bonus with their first Ranked Versus Battle win each day. This bonus does not count toward the daily cap of 200 coins.
Coins earned in Story Mode or from Skill Quests do not count toward the daily cap either.
If you do reach the daily cap you can still continue to play Solo or Ranked Versus Battles, but you will not earn any coins this way until the next day.
For the purposes of determining when a day starts or ends, the game clock is based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
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