Commitment – Whenever a Digi-Jack dies or a friend goes into Fight For Your Life, you gain a stack of Commitment. The longer your friends are in Fight For Your Life, the more stacks you gain. Stacks granted when a Digi-Jack dies last for 6 seconds, and stacks gained from other players are quickly lost when they exit Fight For Your Life. You get a bonus to Fire Rate and Reload Speed for each stack of Commitment. Fire Rate Bonus: +2%/stack Reload Speed Bonus: +4%/stack per level.
当你的数码分身死亡或者你的同伴进入fight for your life状态时你得到一层commitment的buff,你的同伴在fight for your life里的时间约长,你得到的层数越多。数码分身死亡时得到的层数持续6秒,而在别的玩家那里得到的层数在对方退出fight for your life 以后快速消失。commitment使你的开火率,换弹速度得到加成。每层开火率加成2%,每层换弹速度加成4%
Optimism – When one of your Digi-Jacks dies, he sets off an explosion, damaging all nearby enemies. Also the next Digi-Jack will spawn with less Health.
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