这里和玩家们一起分享的是PS3新作《血骑士Blood Knights》全奖杯获得方法说明一览,有兴趣的玩家可以参考一下!
A former ally Kill one of your former friends |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Burn them down! Kill 10 enemies with an explosive barrel |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Let them fly Kill 10 enemies by pushing them into a pit |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Team player Play through any act with a coop partner |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
No time to sleep! Revive your coop partner 10 times |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Ooops I did it again Kill your coop partner with an explosive barrel twice |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Suck it Suck 1000 litres of blood |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Roya stayed unharmed collecting the vampire blood |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Collection complete All Blood Coins collected |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Real Vampire 3 vampiric decisions made |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Still Human 3 human decisions made |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
No deluge this time Complete the game once |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
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