在《孤岛惊魂3》中,玩家将会扮演Jason Brody。在这个没有法律、暴力才是真王道的原始天堂中,玩家将决定整个故事的发展。玩家所作出的选择,包括与谁战斗、与谁结盟都会影响到剧情。在游戏中,玩家扮演的Jason Brody将在这个人性已经泯灭了的孤岛上杀出一条血路。下面就让我们一起看看游戏中的成就系统吧。
英文 | 中文 | 奖杯 |
Mastered the Jungle | ||
Obtain all the Trophies. | 获得本作所有的其他奖杯 |
Free Fall |
Freefall more than 100m and live (Single Player only).
Inked Up
Earn 5 skill tattoos.
Fully Inked
Earn every tattoo by learning all the skills.
Money to Burn
Spend $5000 at the shop.
Aftermarket Junkie |
Buy all attachments and paint jobs for one weapon. | 用一把武器完成所有粘贴和喷绘工作 | |
Rebel With a Cause |
Liberate 3 outposts. |
解放3个前哨基地 |
Island Liberator |
Liberate all outposts. | 解放所有的前哨基地 | |
Unheard |
Liberate an outpost without triggering an alarm. | 不触发警报的解放一个基地 | |
Full Bars |
Activate 9 radio towers. | 启动9个无线电塔 | |
Archeology 101 |
Gather a total of 60 relics. | 堆积60具尸体 | |
Dead Letters |
Gather all "Letters of the Lost" | 收集所有的遗书 | |
Memory to Spare |
Gather all the memory cards. | 收集所有的纪念卡片 | |
Jungle Journal |
Unlock 50 entries in the Survivor Guide. | 在Survivor Guide中解锁50个大门 | |
Bagged and Tagged |
Complete a Path of the Hunter quest. | 完成a Path of the Hunter任务 | |
Road Trip |
Complete a Supply Drop quest. | 完成a Supply Drop任务 | |
In Cold Blood |
Complete a WANTED Dead quest. | 完成a WANTED Dead任务 | |
Let the Trials Begin |
Beat any Trial of the Rakyat score. | 击败任意Rakyat的敌人 | |
Poker Bully |
Win $1500 playing poker. | 扑克游戏赢得1500块 | |
Hunter Hunted |
Lure and kill a predator. | 捕杀一头肉食动物 | |
Poacher |
Hunt and skin a rare animal. | 捕获一头稀有动物并将其剥皮 | |
Artsy Craftsy |
Craft 5 upgrades for your equipment. | 将装备升级5次 | |
Needle Exchange |
Craft 25 syringes. | 使用短笛打通使用悟空打通Dragon Universe | |
The Good Stuff |
Craft a special syringe. | 制作一个喷射器 | |
Say Hi to the Internet |
Find the lost Hollywood star. | 发现失踪的好莱坞明星 | |
Heartless Pyro |
Kill 50 enemies with the flamethrower (Single Player only). | 使用火焰塔杀死50个敌人(单一玩家模式) | |
Love the Boom |
Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with one explosion (Single Player only). | 一次爆炸杀死4个敌人(单一玩家模式) | |
Rock Always Wins |
Fully distract 25 enemies with rocks (Single Player only). | 击晕25个敌人(单一玩家模式) | |
Never Saw it Coming |
Kill an enemy with a takedown from above from a glider, zipline or parachute (Single Player only). | 杀死一个从滑翔机或者降落伞掉落下来的人(单一玩家模式) | |
Improper Use |
Kill an enemy with the Repair Tool (Single Player only). | 使用修理工具杀死一个敌人(单一玩家模式) | |
Toxophilite |
Kill a target from 70m or more with the bow (Single Player only). | 从70米或以上的地方使用弓箭杀死敌人(单一玩家模式) | |
Island Paparazzi |
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