I only spent a few hours coding this so expect there to be bugs although I will try to provide ongoing support (it has a built in update checker). Anyway on the tool: Screenshot:
0.11 - Now required to be in the same directory as Server.exe to avoid issues with newly created files in a different directory. - Fixed server crash detection and restarting. Server will no longer display "This program has stopped working" and will restart instantly without user intervention. - Added a seed editor.
0.1 - Initial release. 需要指定 Cube World 资料夹内的 Server.exe。
管理内容: 黑/白 IP 名单设定; 修正侦测伺服器程式崩溃并重新啟动(重要); 设定玩家人数; 更改 Post (目前无法实现)。