相信有很多爱玩《Cube World魔方世界》的玩家都有建自己的伺服器吧,对于伺服器的管理大家又可知道如何方便快捷呢,这里给大家分享一个由国外某大神制作的一款专为管理魔方世界的一款伺服器管理程式工具,有需要的就自己带走吧。 Staff Reminder: Be very, very careful what programs you download online.There is no specific reason to distrust this post; this is simply a cautionary message. Hi all, So as I'm sure a lot of you are aware the cube world server application crashes a lot, although probably not the cause of all the crashes it seems like the lack of a server player cap is causing a fair few errors. In order to tackle this problem I wrote a small tool which patches the server when it detects that a specific number of players have connected, it essentially uses the text output form the server.exe to determine how many players have connected so its not an exact science but it works most of the time. I've also built in an automatic server restart for the times when it does crash.
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