《少女格斗Girl Fight》这款新作品是强强联手的Kung Fu Factory和MicroProse联合开发制作,而且还是由Majesco Games发行,这是一款美少女格斗型的作品,发售时间目前小编这里也没有确定等确定后会通知大家,正式发售时会登录PSN与XBLA两在平台。这又是一款福利向的作品,对于绅士玩家们来说,如此性感少女格斗型作品怎么可以错过,而且DLC话说也很期待哦。玩家们在游戏中可以自己创建自己喜欢的角色,同时还可以设定格斗的招式等,非常人性化,喜欢格斗游戏的玩家皆值得一试。
10,000 Ways to Say I Hurt You Successfully perform 10,000 punches and kicks. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Battle Hardened Block 1,000 strikes in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Killer Legs Win 5 matches with nothing but kicks. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Kitty Has Claws Win 5 matches with nothing but punches. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Knocked Off Her Feet Win 10 matches with nothing but throws. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Neuro Annihilation Win 100 matches. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Perfectionist Win 25 rounds without taking any damage. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Living on a Prayer Win a match with less than 5% health. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Hands Off Me Block an opponent's grab 50 times. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Brawn and Brains Win 5 rounds with full Psi meter. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Psi Like an Eagle Earn 1,000 bars of Psi. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
VR Trooper Travel over 10,000 meters in battle. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Tremors Win 10 matches with Seismic Fist. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Spoon Win 5 rounds with a throw from behind. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Maximum Psi Earn and equip two Level 3 Psi Amps and finish a match. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Swift Attacks Strike the first blow in 25 rounds. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Worldly Warrior Fight against every opponent and fight in every stage in the game. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
Neuro Killer Win 3 consecutive Ranked Matches online. |
0.00% ULTRA RARE |
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