成就图标 | 成就名称 | 成就分数 | 成就描述 |
Fruit Ninja | 5 |
Get a score of 50 in Classic Mode 经典模式得 50 分 |
Great Fruit Ninja | 5 |
Get a score of 100 in Classic Mode 经典模式得 100 分 |
Ultimate Fruit Ninja | 10 |
Get a score of 200 in Classic Mode 经典模式得 200 分 |
Fruit Fight | 5 |
Kill 150 Fruit Total 切 150 个水果 |
Fruit Blitz | 5 |
Kill 500 Fruit Total 切 500 个水果 |
Fruit Frenzy | 5 |
Kill 1000 Fruit Total 切 1000 个水果 |
Lucky Ninja | 10 |
Get 6 criticals in one round in Classic Mode 经典模式中的一轮中进行 6 次“致命一击” |
Year of the Dragon | 15 |
Slice the secret fruit! 切到火龙果 |
Fruit Rampage | 10 |
Kill 5000 Fruit Total 切 5000 个水果 |
Fruit Annihilation | 20 |
Kill 10000 Fruit Total 切 10000 个水果 |
Go Banana | 5 |
Kill 10 Bananas in one round of Classic Mode 经典模式中一轮中切 10 个香蕉 |
No doctors here | 10 |
Kill 15 Apples in one round of Classic Mode 经典模式中一轮中切 15 个苹果 |
Purple is a fruit | 10 |
Kill 20 Plums in one round of Classic Mode 经典模式中一轮中切 20 个李子 |
Are you kidding me?! | 10 |
Fail with the same score as your personal best Game Over 时得分恰好为至今为止个人最高分 |
Combo Mambo | 15 |
Slice 6 fruit in one combo 一刀切 6 个水果 |
Moment of Zen | 15 |
Achieve a score of 200 in Zen Mode 禅意模式得分 200 |
Over Achiever | 15 |
Get a score over 400 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode. 街机模式一局结束后得分超过 400 |
Wake up | 10 |
Get a score of 0 得分为 0 |
Tee Hee Hee | 10 |
Get a score of 69 得分为 69 |
Almost a Century | 10 |
Get a score of 99 得分为 99 |
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