(尽量避免 KOS .... (译:这个...老话重谈了))
● Game is fun when you don't know who to trust. Jimmy doesn't want to know who the badguy is because that's part of the game. They don't want to completely discourage KOS.
(游戏中人性自然发挥, 谁也不能相信. 扮演坏人是这游戏中的一部份也是有趣的地方.. ... )
● Yes voice chat. Proximity and radios.
(H1Z1 有支援 游戏内语音交谈功能 (译:像 DayZ SA 那样))
● Will be a map. Map Signs in the world, no GUI map. You can find them and find out where you are based on in world objects. (this is cool). Post EA they want a brochure that has a map.
(将会提供地图 - 非 UI 小地图那样, 而这份地图上面将会标记住你的基地在何处...)
● Yes hardcore servers. They work how you think they work.
(会有 核心 (译:就是超困难非人类可以碰的...) 服务器)
● Base building is long term end game. They really want to do that.
(房屋建筑是游戏后期的事了. (译:当玩家有了房子建筑基地之后, 离破关游戏也不远矣, 因为没有其它的事好做了)
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