● Game will be Free to Play on PS4.
( PS4 版本将是 F2P)
● there will be tall buildings to snipe from
(会有高塔建筑物可供 狙击 )
● Yes to radios.
● You should try to tame wild animals, bears are totally your friend and you get free meat from them ;)
(可以将野生动物抓来养著, 这样就可以有肉吃了...)
● Do you need to team up to survive? "Not if you are any type of a man"
● Clan support: Not day 1
(公会/战队 功能会支援, 但不是第一天)
● Mods: Not day 1.
(Mods ... ? 应该会开放)
● How can you protect your stuff when you log out: They want to do locked stuff, but they are working on that actively.
(会设计上锁的箱子, 让玩家可以将物资放在里面......目前还未实装)
● Trading: Yes, not in EA. You can drop stuff on the ground... old diablo style.
(交易系统?以后会有. EA 时期...你只能像 暗黑破坏神那样, 将东西丢到地上......)
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