● A horde of zombies is SUPER DANGEROUS. They think it might be a bit too hard. You can fill your entire inventory with arrows and you can't survive a horde.
(遇上一大群的 zombies 是非常危险的, 即使你背包塞满了弓箭, 也难逃大群的 zombies 攻击)
● Can you build a power source? Not in Early Access.
(可以建构电力系统吗? EA 没有这东西)
● Pull out of cars? No, want to add it.
(可以将人从车里拉出来吗? 目前不行. 开发团队想要搞这个功能)
● Can throw rocks.
● Hunger game servers confirmed. Will be in Day1 (YESSSSSSSS). This is the ticketing system that Smed was talking about. Think of it like a Hearthstone Arena system. You will get something out of it.
(饥饿游戏形式的服务器确认是有的, 将会在 Day 1 (EA 当天?) 启动!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
● Stats get better the longer you survive. As you sprint more, it takes less stamina. As you build fire, the fire lasts longer since you are better at it. Makes you want to keep your character.
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