Diancie... The inexplicable mutation arising from the Pokémon we know as Carbink... When and where it originates from, and the mécanisme of its formation... It is indeed a mystérieuse existence, one of des plus grands mystères!Diancie is the epitome of beauty among Pokémon. The divine symmetry of its body enables it to absorb light and display a radiance beyond the awareness of this realm. It is said that, upon Mega Evolving, Mega Diancie emanates a beauty that surpasses all known beauty.That beauty... It is so dazzling to behold that people call it the “Royal Pink Princess.” Our jeune maître—young master—has been searching for Diancie in order to see this beauty fantastique. And we two have managed to obtain the Diancite that is nécessaire for its Mega Evolution. We have been most ardent to discover a Diancie that we might take back to our young master, to show to him this famed beauté ultime. Yet we have proved unsuitable to the task, unable to secure the indispensable Diancie!