Thisis found in the 'Look away' mini-game. Make sure you are in good light for thisone, as the facial recognition can be dodgy in bad light. When it tells you tolook away, do so for about half a second and look back. The screen will say'Hey, no cheating!' Keep looking at the screen until the time runs out, thenlook away and complete the mini game. The trophy will pop soon after.
Flan Flounderer
Thisis in the 'Find the Flan!' mini-game. You are a crocodile and need to find andjump down a hole to find the Flan. Instead, find the alternate route to theother side of the mini-world by using the high route then wait until the timeruns out and jump down the hole containing the flan. You will get the trophy.
Mother Plays Frobisher Says! 这个金杯,真心难搞
Catch Ponsonby in exactly 4 minutes and 9 seconds
在用摄像头抓鱼的关卡里,当这个关卡开始,并听到'Ponsonby!'是,迅速按下PS键,找一个计时器,设定为四分钟九秒,并同时启动计时器 并返回游戏(这时游戏还在停止菜单),等还剩30秒的时候,开始抓鱼,当计时器到时的时候,catch him。