This trophy is in the Ponsonby mini-game. The vita back camera will pop up andyou will hear 'Ponsonby!' As soon as it pops up press the Vita button to go back to the Vita menu, then find a timer or stopwatch and setit to 4 minutes 9 seconds. Start the timer and go back into the game at thesame time. When there are around 30 seconds left, start chasing him by movingthe camera around, and keep him in the middle of the screen for a few seconds,which will keep him still. Be careful not to press anything at all until thetimer hits 4:09, then press the screen to catch him. If you did it right youshould get the trophy.
Just Say "No"
Apage will occasionally pop up with red writing asking you if you are havingfun, press 'No'. You will go to a little game involving chasing animals. Whenthis is done it will ask you again, this time press 'Yes' then the trophy willpop.