'Deliver my pudding' is the mini-game where you see a train with pudding on theback on a track. Hold down R or L and the train will travel the track. Count how any loops you do, and whenyou do at least 5, park with the pudding next to Frobisher and you will getthis trophy.
DLC Super Fun Pack:
Frobisher Says: "Figure it out from the title!"
This is found in the radio tuning mini-game. There are two channels, theshipping channel required to win the mini-game and one with an alien sound. Youwill know when you find a channel as the front will light up. Go onto the aliennoise and stay on that channel for a few seconds, then complete the level bygoing to the other channel to get this trophy.
Bored Room
Photograph the board when 3 or more of them aren't ready.
This is in the mini-game where you must photograph 5 people. Some willoccasionally get bored and do something like picking their nose or coughing.This is indicated with an exclamation mark over their head. You must wait until3 people are doing something at the same time then take the picture using . This can be annoying as itcould take a while for 3 people to be distracted at the same time and when itdoes it, it may only be for a short amount of time so stick at it. If when youtake it at least 3 people are flashing, you will get the trophy.