片段3:探索古代奥秘!一起加入我们,探索我们在成都地区荒岛发现的精灵波尔凯尼恩吧! …… 探索家:“头……头儿!看到了!波尔凯尼恩!” 布兰登:“噢噢!快退后!它可以夷高山为平地!据说古时的陆地就是那样形成的!” 看锁甲:“差点就挂了!感谢头儿的救命之恩!” 布莱登:“保持警惕!别大意了!”感觉如何?!涨姿势了吧?这是有名的探险家布莱登为我们独家录制的!原文:Hot diggidy! That’s a Volcanion you have there, isn’t it?As far as I know, the people in that group are the only ones in history to have seen this Pokémon. To think that I’d meet a Trainer who not only found Volcanion, but actually caught it!What a day! I like you, kid! I’m the head of this TV studio. How about I show you some top-secret specials we made about Volcanion?They’re a little something I made for a TV show once back in the day, but... Well, things didn’t work out, and they ended up getting shelved.